t bagi orang-orang biasa (rakyat) diantara mereka.” (HR. Muslim)
Imam Ibnu ash-Sholah rahimahullah berkata, “Nasehat bagi para pemimpin kaum muslimin adalah dengan membantu mereka dalam kebenaran, mentaati mereka di dalamnya, mengingatkan mereka terhadap kebenaran, memberikan peringatan kepada mereka dengan lembut, menjauhi pemberontakan kepada mereka, mendoakan taufik bagi mereka, dan mendorong orang lain (masyarakat) untuk juga bersikap demikian.” (lihat Jami’ al-’Ulum wa al-Hikam, hal. 103)
Imam Ibnu ash-Sholah rahimahullah berkata, “Nasehat bagi para pemimpin kaum muslimin adalah dengan membantu mereka dalam kebenaran, mentaati mereka di dalamnya, mengingatkan mereka terhadap kebenaran, memberikan peringatan kepada mereka dengan lembut, menjauhi pemberontakan kepada mereka, mendoakan taufik bagi mereka, dan mendorong orang lain (masyarakat) untuk juga bersikap demikian.” (lihat Jami’ al-’Ulum wa al-Hikam, hal. 103)
From Tamim Ibn Aus ad-From radhiyallahu'anhu, the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam said, "religion is advice." He did three times. Then we asked, "o Messenger of Allaah for whom?". He said, "to worship to God mengikhlaskan ' azza wa glorified, faithful to his Book, obey his Messenger, give advice to the leaders of the Muslims as well as advice for ordinary people (the people) among them." (Narrated By Muslim)
Imam Ibn Al-Salaah said said, "Counsel for the leaders of the Muslims is to assist them in truth, keeping them in it, reminding them of the truth, giving warning to them gently, away from the insurgency to them, pray for strength for them, and encourage others (community) to also be the case." (see Jaami ' al-Ulum wa al-Hikam, p. 103)
Imam Ibn Al-Salaah said said, "Counsel for the leaders of the Muslims is to assist them in truth, keeping them in it, reminding them of the truth, giving warning to them gently, away from the insurgency to them, pray for strength for them, and encourage others (community) to also be the case." (see Jaami ' al-Ulum wa al-Hikam, p. 103)
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